Source code for calorine.nep.nep

import contextlib
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms

import _nepy
from calorine.nep.model import _get_nep_contents

def _create_dummy_nep2(model_filename: str, symbols: List[str]) -> None:
    """Create a dummy NEP2 model, i.e., a model for which there are no descriptor parameters.
    This is to be used when one wants descriptors not pertaining to a specific NEP3 model.

        Path to which the NEP2 model will be saved.
        Atomic elements in the configuration for which to compute descriptors.
    unique_symbols = []
    for sym in symbols:
        if sym not in unique_symbols:
    with open(model_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write(f'nep {len(unique_symbols)} ')
        for symbol in unique_symbols:
            f.write(f'{symbol} ')
        # Write rest of header
        f.write('cutoff 6 4\nn_max 15 8\nl_max 4\nANN 30 0\n')
        # Write dummy parameters
        # The number of parameters in the network is:
        # N_par = (N_des+2)N_neu + 1 + N_typ**2 (n_max^R + n_max^A + 2)
        # Default settings: 1621 + N_typ**2 * 25
        # The last 52 1:s are the normalization parameters for the descriptors.
        for _ in range(1621 + len(unique_symbols) ** 2 * 25 + 52):
            f.write(f'  {1e0:e}\n')

def _create_tmp_dir(debug: bool) -> str:
    """Create temporary directory.

        Flag that indicates if debugging. Use a hardcoded path when debugging.

         Path to temporary directory
    if debug:
        tmp_dir = './tmp_nepy/'
            return tmp_dir
        except FileExistsError:
            raise FileExistsError('Please delete or move the conflicting directory.')
    return tempfile.mkdtemp()

def _clean_tmp_dir(directory: str) -> None:
    """Remove temporary directory.

        Path to temporary directory

def _get_atomic_properties(
    structure: Atoms,
) -> Tuple[List[float], List[str], List[float]]:
    """Fetches cell, symbols and positions for a structure. Since NEP_CPU requires a cell, if the
    structure has no cell a default cubic cell with a side of 100 Å will be used.

        Atoms object representing the structure.

        Cell vectors
        Atomic species
        Atom positions
        Atom masses
    if structure.cell.rank == 0:
        warnings.warn('Using default unit cell (cubic with side 100 Å).')

    c = structure.get_cell(complete=True).flatten()
    cell = [c[0], c[3], c[6], c[1], c[4], c[7], c[2], c[5], c[8]]

    symbols = structure.get_chemical_symbols()
    positions = list(
    )  # [x1, ..., xN, y1, ... yN,...]
    masses = structure.get_masses()
    return cell, symbols, positions, masses

def _setup_nepy(
    model_filename: str,
    natoms: int,
    cell: List[float],
    symbols: List[str],
    positions: List[float],
    masses: List[float],
    debug: bool,
) -> _nepy.NEPY:
    """Sets up an instance of the NEPY pybind11 interface to NEP_CPU.

        Path to model.
        Number of atoms in the structure.
        Cell vectors.
        Atom species.
        Atom positions.
        Atom masses.
        Flag to control if the output from NEP_CPU will be printed.

        NEPY interface
    # Ensure that `model_filename` exists to avoid segfault in pybind11 code
    if not os.path.isfile(model_filename):
        raise ValueError(f'{Path(model_filename)} does not exist')

    # Disable output from C++ code by default
    if debug:
        nepy = _nepy.NEPY(model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses)
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
            with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f):
                with contextlib.redirect_stderr(f):
                    nepy = _nepy.NEPY(
                        model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses
    return nepy

def set_default_cell(structure: Atoms, box_length: float = 100):
    """Adds a cubic box to an Atoms object. Atoms object is edited in-place.

        Structure to add box to
        Cubic box side length in Å, by default 100
    structure.set_cell([[box_length, 0, 0], [0, box_length, 0], [0, 0, box_length]])

[docs]def get_descriptors( structure: Atoms, model_filename: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the NEP descriptors for a given structure. A NEP model defined by a nep.txt can additionally be provided to get the NEP3 model specific descriptors. If no model is provided, a dummy NEP2 model suitable for the provided structure will be created and used. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. Defaults to ``None``. debug Flag to toggle debug mode. Makes the generated dummy NEP2 model available in a local tmp directory, as well as prints GPUMD output. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- Descriptors for the supplied structure, with shape (natoms, descriptor components) """ local_structure = structure.copy() natoms = len(local_structure) cell, symbols, positions, masses = _get_atomic_properties(local_structure) use_dummy_nep2_potential = model_filename is None if use_dummy_nep2_potential: tmp_dir = _create_tmp_dir(debug) model_filename = f'{tmp_dir}/nep.txt' _create_dummy_nep2(model_filename, symbols) else: tmp_dir = None nepy = _setup_nepy( model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses, debug ) all_descriptors = nepy.get_descriptors() descriptors_per_atom = np.array(all_descriptors).reshape(-1, natoms).T if use_dummy_nep2_potential and tmp_dir and not debug: _clean_tmp_dir(tmp_dir) if use_dummy_nep2_potential and tmp_dir and debug: print(f'DEBUG - Directory containing dummy {tmp_dir}') return descriptors_per_atom
[docs]def get_latent_space( structure: Atoms, model_filename: Union[str, None] = None, debug: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the latent space representation of a structure, i.e, the activiations in the hidden layer. A NEP model defined by a `nep.txt` file needs to be provided. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model. Defaults to None. debug Flag to toggle debug mode. Prints GPUMD output. Defaults to False. Returns ------- Activation with shape `(natoms, N_neurons)` """ if model_filename is None: raise ValueError('Model must be defined!') local_structure = structure.copy() natoms = len(local_structure) cell, symbols, positions, masses = _get_atomic_properties(local_structure) nepy = _setup_nepy( model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses, debug ) latent = nepy.get_latent_space() latent = np.array(latent).reshape(-1, natoms).T return latent
[docs]def get_potential_forces_and_virials( structure: Atoms, model_filename: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Calculates the per-atom potential, forces and virials for a given structure. A NEP model defined by a `nep.txt` file needs to be provided. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model. Defaults to None. debug Flag to toggle debug mode. Prints GPUMD output. Defaults to False. Returns ------- potential with shape `(natoms,)` forces with shape `(natoms, 3)` virials with shape `(natoms, 9)` """ if model_filename is None: raise ValueError('Model must be defined!') model_type = _get_nep_contents(model_filename)[0]['model_type'] if model_type != 'potential': raise ValueError( 'A NEP model trained for predicting energies and forces must be used.' ) local_structure = structure.copy() natoms = len(local_structure) cell, symbols, positions, masses = _get_atomic_properties(local_structure) nepy = _setup_nepy( model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses, debug ) energies, forces, virials = nepy.get_potential_forces_and_virials() forces_per_atom = np.array(forces).reshape(-1, natoms).T virials_per_atom = np.array(virials).reshape(-1, natoms).T return np.array(energies), forces_per_atom, virials_per_atom
[docs]def get_polarizability( structure: Atoms, model_filename: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the polarizability tensor for a given structure. A NEP model defined by a ``nep.txt`` file needs to be provided. The model must be trained to predict the polarizability. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. Defaults to ``None``. debug Flag to toggle debug mode. Prints GPUMD output. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- polarizability with shape ``(3, 3)`` """ if model_filename is None: raise ValueError('Model must be defined!') model_type = _get_nep_contents(model_filename)[0]['model_type'] if model_type != 'polarizability': raise ValueError( 'A NEP model trained for predicting polarizability must be used.' ) local_structure = structure.copy() natoms = len(local_structure) cell, symbols, positions, masses = _get_atomic_properties(local_structure) nepy = _setup_nepy( model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses, debug ) # Components are in order xx yy zz xy yz zx. pol = nepy.get_polarizability() polarizability = np.array([ [pol[0], pol[3], pol[5]], [pol[3], pol[1], pol[4]], [pol[5], pol[4], pol[2]] ]) return polarizability
[docs]def get_dipole( structure: Atoms, model_filename: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the dipole for a given structure. A NEP model defined by a ``nep.txt`` file needs to be provided. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. Defaults to ``None``. debug Flag to toggle debug mode. Prints GPUMD output. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- dipole with shape ``(3,)`` """ if model_filename is None: raise ValueError('Model must be defined!') model_type = _get_nep_contents(model_filename)[0]['model_type'] if model_type != 'dipole': raise ValueError('A NEP model trained for predicting dipoles must be used.') local_structure = structure.copy() natoms = len(local_structure) cell, symbols, positions, masses = _get_atomic_properties(local_structure) nepy = _setup_nepy( model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses, debug ) dipole = np.array(nepy.get_dipole()) return dipole
[docs]def get_dipole_gradient( structure: Atoms, model_filename: Optional[str] = None, backend: str = 'c++', method: str = 'central difference', displacement: float = 0.01, charge: float = 1.0, nep_command: str = 'nep', debug: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the dipole gradient for a given structure using finite differences. A NEP model defined by a `nep.txt` file needs to be provided. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. Defaults to ``None``. backend Backend to use for computing dipole gradient with finite differences. One of ``'c++'`` (CPU), ``'python'`` (CPU) and ``'nep'`` (GPU). Defaults to ``'c++'``. method Method for computing gradient with finite differences. One of 'forward difference' and 'central difference'. Defaults to 'central difference' displacement Displacement in Å to use for finite differences. Defaults to ``0.01``. charge System charge in units of the elemental charge. Used for correcting the dipoles before computing the gradient. Defaults to ``1.0``. nep_command Command for running the NEP executable. Defaults to ``'nep'``. debug Flag to toggle debug mode. Prints GPUMD output (if applicable). Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- dipole gradient with shape ``(N, 3, 3)`` """ if model_filename is None: raise ValueError('Model must be defined!') model_type = _get_nep_contents(model_filename)[0]['model_type'] if model_type != 'dipole': raise ValueError('A NEP model trained for predicting dipoles must be used.') local_structure = structure.copy() if backend == 'c++': dipole_gradient = _dipole_gradient_cpp( local_structure, model_filename, displacement=displacement, method=method, charge=charge, debug=debug, ) elif backend == 'python': dipole_gradient = _dipole_gradient_python( local_structure, model_filename, displacement=displacement, charge=charge, method=method, ) elif backend == 'nep': dipole_gradient = _dipole_gradient_nep( local_structure, model_filename, displacement=displacement, method=method, charge=charge, nep_command=nep_command, ) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid backend {backend}') return dipole_gradient
def _dipole_gradient_cpp( structure: Atoms, model_filename: str, method: str = 'central difference', displacement: float = 0.01, charge: float = 1.0, debug: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the dipole gradient with finite differences, using NEP_CPU. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. method Method for computing gradient with finite differences. One of ``'forward difference'`` and ``'central difference'``. Defaults to ``'central difference'`` displacement Displacement in Å to use for finite differences. Defaults to ``0.01``. charge System charge in units of the elemental charge. Used for correcting the dipoles before computing the gradient. Defaults to ``1.0``. Returns ------- dipole gradient with shape ``(N, 3, 3)`` """ if displacement <= 0: raise ValueError('Displacement must be > 0 Å') implemented_methods = { 'forward difference': 0, 'central difference': 1, 'second order central difference': 2, } if method not in implemented_methods.keys(): raise ValueError(f'Invalid method {method} for calculating gradient') local_structure = structure.copy() natoms = len(local_structure) cell, symbols, positions, masses = _get_atomic_properties(local_structure) nepy = _setup_nepy( model_filename, natoms, cell, symbols, positions, masses, debug ) dipole_gradient = np.array( nepy.get_dipole_gradient(displacement, implemented_methods[method], charge) ).reshape(natoms, 3, 3) return dipole_gradient def _dipole_gradient_python( structure: Atoms, model_filename: str, method: str = 'central difference', displacement: float = 0.01, charge: float = 1.0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the dipole gradient with finite differences, using the Python and get_dipole(). Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. method Method for computing gradient with finite differences. One of ``'forward difference'`` and ``'central difference'``. Defaults to ``'central difference'`` displacement Displacement in Å to use for finite differences. Defaults to ``0.01``. charge System charge in units of the elemental charge. Used for correcting the dipoles before computing the gradient. Defaults to ``1.0``. Returns ------- dipole gradient with shape ``(N, 3, 3)`` """ if displacement <= 0: raise ValueError('Displacement must be > 0 Å') N = len(structure) if method == 'forward difference': # Correct all dipole by the permanent dipole, charge * center of mass d = ( get_dipole(structure, model_filename) + charge * structure.get_center_of_mass() ) d_forward = np.zeros((N, 3, 3)) for atom in range(N): for cartesian in range(3): copy = structure.copy() positions = copy.get_positions() positions[atom, cartesian] += displacement copy.set_positions(positions) d_forward[atom, cartesian, :] = ( get_dipole(copy, model_filename) + charge * copy.get_center_of_mass() ) gradient = (d_forward - d[None, None, :]) / displacement elif method == 'central difference': d_forward = np.zeros((N, 3, 3)) d_backward = np.zeros((N, 3, 3)) for atom in range(N): for cartesian in range(3): # Forward displacements copy_forward = structure.copy() positions_forward = copy_forward.get_positions() positions_forward[atom, cartesian] += displacement copy_forward.set_positions(positions_forward) d_forward[atom, cartesian, :] = ( get_dipole(copy_forward, model_filename) + charge * copy_forward.get_center_of_mass() ) # Backwards displacement copy_backward = structure.copy() positions_backward = copy_backward.get_positions() positions_backward[atom, cartesian] -= displacement copy_backward.set_positions(positions_backward) d_backward[atom, cartesian, :] = ( get_dipole(copy_backward, model_filename) + charge * copy_backward.get_center_of_mass() ) gradient = (d_forward - d_backward) / (2 * displacement) elif method == 'second order central difference': # Coefficients from # d_forward_one_h = np.zeros((N, 3, 3)) d_forward_two_h = np.zeros((N, 3, 3)) d_backward_one_h = np.zeros((N, 3, 3)) d_backward_two_h = np.zeros((N, 3, 3)) for atom in range(N): for cartesian in range(3): copy = structure.copy() positions = copy.get_positions() # Forward displacements positions[atom, cartesian] += displacement # + h copy.set_positions(positions) d_forward_one_h[atom, cartesian, :] = ( get_dipole(copy, model_filename) + charge * copy.get_center_of_mass() ) positions[atom, cartesian] += displacement # + 2h total copy.set_positions(positions) d_forward_two_h[atom, cartesian, :] = ( get_dipole(copy, model_filename) + charge * copy.get_center_of_mass() ) # Backwards displacement positions[atom, cartesian] -= 3 * displacement # 2h - 3h = -h copy.set_positions(positions) d_backward_one_h[atom, cartesian, :] = ( get_dipole(copy, model_filename) + charge * copy.get_center_of_mass() ) positions[atom, cartesian] -= displacement # - 2h total copy.set_positions(positions) d_backward_two_h[atom, cartesian, :] = ( get_dipole(copy, model_filename) + charge * copy.get_center_of_mass() ) c0 = -1.0 / 12.0 c1 = 2.0 / 3.0 gradient = ( c0 * d_forward_two_h + c1 * d_forward_one_h - c1 * d_backward_one_h - c0 * d_backward_two_h ) / displacement else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid method {method} for calculating gradient') return gradient def _dipole_gradient_nep( structure: Atoms, model_filename: str, method: str = 'central difference', displacement: float = 0.01, charge: float = 1.0, nep_command: str = 'nep', ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the dipole gradient with finite differences, using the NEP executable. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. method Method for computing gradient with finite differences. One of ``'forward difference'`` and ``'central difference'``. Defaults to ``'central difference'`` displacement Displacement in Å to use for finite differences. Defaults to 0.01 Å. Note that results are possibly unreliable for displacemen < 0.01, which might be due to rounding errors. charge System charge in units of the elemental charge. Used for correcting the dipoles before computing the gradient. Defaults to 1.0. nep_command Command for running the NEP executable. Defaults to ``'nep'``. Returns ------- dipole gradient with shape ``(N, 3, 3)`` """ if displacement <= 0: raise ValueError('Displacement must be > 0 Å') if displacement < 1e-2: warnings.warn( 'Dipole gradients with nep are unstable for displacements < 0.01 Å.' ) N = len(structure) if method == 'forward difference': structure = _set_dummy_energy_forces(structure) structures = [structure] # will hold 3N+1 structures # Correct for the constant dipole, by adding charge * center of mass corrections = np.zeros((3 * N + 1, 3)) corrections[0] = charge * structure.get_center_of_mass() for atom in range(N): for cartesian in range(3): copy = structure.copy() positions = copy.get_positions() positions[atom, cartesian] += displacement copy.set_positions(positions) copy = _set_dummy_energy_forces(copy) structures.append(copy) corrections[1 + atom * 3 + cartesian] = ( charge * copy.get_center_of_mass() ) dipoles = ( _predict_dipole_batch(structures, model_filename, nep_command) * N ) # dipole/atom, shape (3N+1, 3) dipoles += corrections d = dipoles[0, :] d_forward = dipoles[1:].reshape(N, 3, 3) gradient = (d_forward - d[None, None, :]) / displacement elif method == 'central difference': structures_forward = [] # will hold 3N structures structures_backward = [] # will hold 3N structures # Correct for the constant dipole, by adding charge * center of mass corrections_forward = np.zeros((3 * N, 3)) corrections_backward = np.zeros((3 * N, 3)) for atom in range(N): for cartesian in range(3): # Forward displacements copy_forward = structure.copy() positions_forward = copy_forward.get_positions() positions_forward[atom, cartesian] += displacement copy_forward.set_positions(positions_forward) copy_forward = _set_dummy_energy_forces(copy_forward) structures_forward.append(copy_forward) corrections_forward[atom * 3 + cartesian] = ( charge * copy_forward.get_center_of_mass() ) # Backwards displacement copy_backward = structure.copy() positions_backward = copy_backward.get_positions() positions_backward[atom, cartesian] -= displacement copy_backward.set_positions(positions_backward) copy_backward = _set_dummy_energy_forces(copy_backward) structures_backward.append(copy_backward) corrections_backward[atom * 3 + cartesian] = ( charge * copy_backward.get_center_of_mass() ) structures = structures_forward + structures_backward dipoles = ( _predict_dipole_batch(structures, model_filename, nep_command) * N ) # dipole/atom, shape (6N, 3) d_forward = dipoles[: 3 * N, :] d_backward = dipoles[3 * N :, :] d_forward += corrections_forward d_backward += corrections_backward d_forward = d_forward.reshape(N, 3, 3) d_backward = d_backward.reshape(N, 3, 3) gradient = (d_forward - d_backward) / (2 * displacement) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid method {method} for calculating gradient') return gradient def _set_dummy_energy_forces(structure: Atoms) -> Atoms: """Sets the energies and forces of structure to zero. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure Returns ------- Copy of structure, with SinglePointCalculator with zero energy and force. """ from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator copy = structure.copy() N = len(copy) energy = 0 forces = np.zeros((N, 3)) dummy = SinglePointCalculator(copy, **{'energy': energy, 'forces': forces}) copy.calc = dummy return copy def _predict_dipole_batch( structures: List[Atoms], model_filename: str, nep_command: str = 'nep' ) -> np.ndarray: """Predicts dipoles for a set of structures using the NEP executable Note that the units are in (dipole units)/atom. Parameters ---------- structure Input structures model_filename Path to NEP model in ``nep.txt`` format. nep_command Command for running the NEP executable. Defaults to ``'nep'``. Returns ------- Predicted dipoles, with shape (len(structures), 3). """ import shutil from os.path import join as join_path from subprocess import run from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from calorine.nep import read_model, write_nepfile, write_structures with TemporaryDirectory() as directory: shutil.copy2(model_filename, join_path(directory, 'nep.txt')) model = read_model(model_filename) parameters = dict( prediction=1, mode=1, version=model.version, n_max=[model.n_max_radial, model.n_max_angular], cutoff=[model.radial_cutoff, model.angular_cutoff], basis_size=[model.n_basis_radial, model.n_basis_radial], l_max=[model.l_max_3b, model.l_max_4b, model.l_max_5b], neuron=model.n_neuron, type=[len(model.types), *model.types], ) write_nepfile(parameters, directory) file = join_path(directory, '') write_structures(file, structures) # Execute nep completed = run([nep_command], cwd=directory, capture_output=True) completed.check_returncode() # Read results dipoles = np.loadtxt(join_path(directory, 'dipole_train.out')) if len(dipoles.shape) == 1: dipoles = dipoles.reshape(1, -1) return dipoles[:, :3]